Thursday, March 10, 2011

Character Comes First

As a K-12 educator with a great passion for developing character in young people, I now find my self teaching at a local university again.   I've had the unique priviledge of watching five to eighteen-year-old children try to find their way through life with the necessary moral compass to make responsible choices.

It is with this knowledge and conviction that I take my passion to a new level to explore what character qualities are lacking in our society. I have also set on a new journey to research and develop a new line of character development literature and curriculum to assist classroom teachers to introduce these concepts to students.

Welcome to ParrotCleat Studios. We hope you will follow our progress and the products we are creating to help children be their best, because they need to know that despite the pressures of our society character comes first.

1 comment:

  1. This will be a breath of fresh air and a needed resource for teachers who understand that, indeed, character counts . . . It counts for everything! Just hope the teacher's unions,local board of education and the curriculum developers won't squash this piece of educational bedrock.
